Please add one more recipient to those already on your holiday shopping list.

Sylvia’s Place, a NYC emergency night shelter for queer youth from 16 to 23 years of age, is currently in need of the following:

1) A lamp – ours died and we can’t turn off the overhead light while the
kids are sleeping unless we have a lamp by the staff table.

2) dishes for christmas dinner – esp. side dishes, desserts, soda, and

3) Bike locks and chains- several of our kids are working as bike
messengers, but without locks and chains, their bikes are in jeopardy.

4) Underwear, esp. boxers.

5) deodorant, razors, soap, and other hygiene supplies

6) Cough drops and cold medicine -we’re having an epidemic.

7) Breakfast foods – bacon, sausages, cereal etc

8) Supplies for making ornaments – wooden shapes, paint, brushes, markers

9) wrapping paper and ribbons for the santa project

10) glitter glue pens for decorating stockings

11) laundry markers so we can get people back their own socks

12) laundry detergent – the kids call the bulk stuff from the food bank
“itching powder”

13) Construction supplies for the Johnson Center – our new 24 hr drop-in
center is under construction! To keep costs down, we need donations of stuff
like paint, carpet, plywood, screws etc – email me for a detailed list.

14) Fish tank – one of our young men moved into his first apartment and has
fish, but wants a 35-45 gallon tank. They’re too expensive for us to buy
one, but if anyone has an old one hanging around, let me know.

15) Towels and wash cloths – there can never be enough!

Donated items can be be mailed to, or dropped of at, 446 W 36th St., NY, NY, 10018.

You can find Maria on MySpace here and read her current call for essays on femme identity here. Pick up Queer Shorts, her new anthology, at