W. King Mott, a gay associate dean at Seton Hall University, wrote a letter that was published Oct. 19 in The Star-Ledger of Newark in which he stated that that the Catholic church is unfairly attacking gay men and making them scapegoats for the church’s pedophile scandal and was then asked to step down by Seton Hall University’s dean, Molly Smith, because he included his relationship to Seton Hall in the letter.

Mott, who has been working at Seton Hall for the last seven years, said a university should be a place for free expression of ideas but said he holds no ill will toward Smith.

“She works for a Roman Catholic institution,” Mott said. “If the church didn’t have this position (against homosexuality) no dean would have to be so guarded on this issue.”

A university spokesman, Tom White, said it was “inappropriate” for Mott to speak against the Catholic Church or its policies while identifying himself as part of Seton Hall’s administration.

Mott said next Friday will be his last day as an associate dean, and although he also teaches in the school’s political science department, Mott said he will begin looking for a new job.