If you were like me you were glued to the TV like it was an American Idol Finale every night when this sitcom came on LOGO.  This was to see what these Texas country gals do next whether they shoot out of their trailers, protest a bar being open with religious signs, or eat lots of valium.  This show reminded me of many people who I have known in my life from small town America it shows your religious nuts, loving mothers, prescription drug-addictive temptations, and affairs. Most of all it was beginning to close out the season on Jason Dottley known as Ty at his mothers door just after she had flushed some valiums down the toilet.

Sordid Lives the TV show had the hottest of guys being Jason and his singing men chorus auditions when it broke to the Hollywood scene he was engaged in but then went back to Texas life to show his family and friends there.  Oh, and there is Leslie Jordon who plays Loretta Lynn or Brother Boy as they called him… the guy from Will and Grace.

The other great characters were Noleta Nethercott, Peggy Ingram (Rue McClanahan, Golden Girls), and I think my favorite was Beth Grant or Sissy Hickey.  I just loved Sissy’s bee-hive-ish hair.  But there was also the singing delight Bitsy Mae who we all know as Olivia Newton-John.  And we cannot forgot LaVonda and then there is Dr. Eve the doc trying to change the Sexual Preferences of Brother Boy.

So this about shows you a sum of some of the big name stars in this show not including the terriffic Del Shores who put all of this together.  But what is the catch? LOGO is claiming they will not bring back the show because of its costs blamed on the bad economy.  It may be too late to save the show from LOGO  carrying it but we could try.  There is currently a petition going on over at the petition site and a facebook page setup to save the show.

Here are some other options:
Email LOGO directly at- www.logoonline.com/about/contact.jhtml

Oh and while you are at it let’s make a petition for someone to bring back Queer As Folk.  That is my all time favorite show and I think its high time to have a revamped QAF every sunday night.  Both shows need to come back but Sordid Lives can be easier to bring back since its on a roll right now as a popular show and just need some action from us all.