I recently learned about some difficulties of hosting this year’s Koufax Awards while reading the comments to a post at Shakespeare’s Sister.

This is part of a comment left by Nanette of Human Beams:

As this is a linky sort of thread, I am hoping it’s okay to post here that if we are to have the Koufax awards this year, Wampum (the people who put them on each year) needs help? They are seriously considering not having them at all this year, due to various factors, not the least of which is that they can’t afford to do it on their own, and a prior request went unnoticed.

Over at Wampum, MB Williams writes, in “Too depressed to think of one”:

I’m just wicked stressed at the moment over money issues, and the thought that, should the hard drives fail in the middle of the awards (when, of course, we’ll then receive a ton of shite from some Koufax-only readers indignantly bleating “why didn’t you address this problem before dragging my busy self over here?”) we’ll have to cough up cash we just don’t have to fix them so as to finish what we started.

A new post discussing the Koufax Awards is up here. Please stop by Wampum to donate to help with the costs of hosting the Koufax Awards and/or share your ideas.

About the Koufax Awards:

The Koufax Awards are named for Sandy Koufax, one of the greatest left handed pitchers of all time. They are intended to honor the best of the left of blogtopia (ysitp). At its core, the Koufax Awards are meant to be an opportunity to say nice things about your favorite bloggers and to provide a bit of recognition for the folks who provide us with information, insight, and entertainment usually for little or no renumeration. The awards are supposed to be fun for us and fun for you.

You can find Maria on MySpace here and read her current call for essays on femme identity here. Pick up Queer Shorts, her new anthology, at MergePress.com.