Remember this post? This piece at The Age brings us back to straight women who sleep with other women and hold on to their straight identity.On Jen Sincero’s experience as the author of The Straight Girl’s Guide to Sleeping with Chicks:

In San Francisco, the Western world’s honorary gay capital, she also encountered opposition.

“I’m in trouble with some activist women because I refuse to say I’m bisexual,” says the author, who is open about her relatively limited – but “really, really hot” – sexual experiences with women.

I don’t consider myself an activist woman, but sleeping with chicks and refusing to say you’re bisexual pisses me off too. It wouldn’t be so easy to sleep with other women if people weren’t OUT and fighting to make lesbian, gay, bi or queer sex accepted in our society. When you have sex that isn’t straight without uping the queer number it’s a huge fuck you to all of us who get harassed in the streets for just kissing our partners. You know… like you do with your boyfriend or husband while people walk by and go “Oh, Isn’t love sweet?”

Do I think it’s okay for lesbians to sleep with men and gay men to sleep with women and not ID as bi? Yes, I do. It’s all about straight and not straight and a change in queer IDs doesn’t raise the amount of “normal” people in the world.

Has anyone read this book?

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Totally off topic – I got to watch LOGO for the first time last night. :)