
Sexual orientation is an issue that has become more visible in public debate, the media, and often, in school curriculum. As such, your child is certain to hear about alternative lifestyles at some point. Since adolescents are impressionable, parents need to address the issue of sexual orientation within the context of their own value system.
* Think through your personal views on this issue before discussing it with your adolescent.
* Address this issue in an age-appropriate manner, possibly when you are discussing other sexuality issues.
* State your beliefs and values clearly and calmly.
* One of the most disarming ways to discuss issues with adolescents is to ask them what they think. Find out how much they know and understand about homosexuality and related issues and answer questions as they arise.
* Your discussions should take into account your adolescent’s awareness of alternative lifestyles as well as how common they are in your particular community
* If you believe your adolescent may be gay, or is experiencing difficulties with gender identity or sexual orientation issues, consider seeing a family therapist who shares your values to clarify and work through these issues.

To summarize: Your personal views, beliefs and values matter more than your child’s happiness. If you cannot get your child to share your personal views, beliefs and values, take them to a therapist (one who shares your personal views, beliefs and values).

Funny, there’s no advice on what to do if your child commits suicide on there.

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What else ya got for me? This:

*U.K.’s first gay-specific channel is coming soon
*Republican warns that same-sex marriage could one day lead to interspecies marriage
*New York’s highest court declines hearing same-sex marriage cases
*NGO challanges Indian law on homosexual sex
*Beer-mats = votes?
*Woman is arrested for the murder of a gay sex Web site owner