Because of an anonymous letter sent to the Malden City Council alerting them that their first-floor men’s room is listed as a favorite Massachusetts cruising spot on (it’s current action rating is a 4 for better than average but not as hot as you can get – head to the Taunton City Hall second floor private bathroom for some of the hottest government building action around), city councilors want a security plan put in place to “protect” anyone who needs to use the restroom.

Comments left on the Malden Government Center (Malden City Hall) cruising page at Gay Universe:

* I’ve just visited (02/24) and it appears the Police are watching this spot. The police station is next door to Gov’t Ctr. so they must have included this in their foot patrol. Be careful! Also, I noticed what appears to be a camera on the light pole at the rear side of the building and they might be looking for us out front to… (2-24-2006)

* 2/22/06 Careful, two men were arrested there last week. Police station right outside front door. Recent press activity has city council extra vigilant at this spot! (2-23-2006)

* Enter City Hall across from the Malden Center T station. Enter door, go down the ramp, turn left, then it’s down another flight; near the snack shop. Now sports a glory hole (but too high and too small, so can only peek. Lots of old men (and I’m 45 but feel young here). Closes at 4 pm, Mon-Fri access. (12-11-2005)

* where at the city hall? in side in a restroom? tell me where (10-19-2005)

* Still active…have never seen security, although some comments here or elsewhere mentioned security. Closed at 4 pm weekdays…I don’t think it’s open weekends/holidays since it’s a City Hall. (10-18-2005)