Guadalupe “Lupita” Benitez could not receive infertility treatment from her San Diego County health care provider because she is a lesbian. Her lesbianism conflicted with the provider’s religious belief that homosexuality is morally wrong. Result? No treatment for Benitez, who brought suit and is represented by Lambda Legal.

“Doctors with antigay religious beliefs are not excused from obeying the laws that govern all of us,” said Jennifer C. Pizer, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal, in a media release issued Tuesday. “That our client’s doctors felt that they could defy well-established California law and medical ethics is very worrisome for all of us in a civil society.”


After 11 months of accepting payment for her care and Dr. Brody repeatedly promising to perform the procedure, North Coast’s medical director, Dr. Douglas Fenton, admitted that Benitez would never receive it because of the personal religious beliefs about gay people held by numerous members of the clinic’s staff.

I’m still can’t believe they took her money that entire time while knowing what the result would be.

The article is here.

Jen also blogs at Transcending Gender and A Life Less Convenient. Her book is available here.