Really?  That is the big rumor going around on ridiculious youtube videos and blogs. It really sounds like a rumor that Lady Gaga would come up with herself.  She is one wid Lady.

One blog and Youtube video reported that she has some type of drag suit that fits her body to make her more womanly.  How does this guy know.  He says he is from San Francisco where there are lots of drag queens.  Well he is a pinhead because there are drag queens in every city not just in San Fran.  Just because they have a weekly Tranny Shack is not proof he is some expert on drag.

I am so sick of these experts claiming to know so much especially the gossip reporting on this story.  It is insane that these blogs reporting something that Lady Gaga said could not confirm the quote.

A video has emerged where there may or may not be a bulge in her underwear and this has people talking.  They claim it is male genitalia even though it could just be a wad in her panties.  Are people just that scared she is a man.  She could be a man but we know she is bi so it sounds like she likes it all.  Maybe she wants all the body parts.  She can have what she damn well wants she is Lady Gaga!  I will say I saw her butt in person and it does look like a guys rear or that of a hot lesbians.  Either way we love us some Gaga!

Back in May Lady Gaga told Rolling Stone magazine that she was bi-sexual and that “I think I’m changing what people think is sexy.”  Yes, indeed she is.

Lady Gaga’s manager says the claims are “Ridiculous.”

And what is a hermaphrodite anyway?  It is a person that has both male and female reproductive organs.  Is the pop singer a man or women.  Who cares.  Let’s enjoy the music and her amazing looks.