A new poll shows that nearly 70% (nearly 100% of the Orthodox Jewish segments surveyed) of the Israeli population are opposed to current plans for Jerusalem to host World Pride 2005.

Some say it seems Jerusalem was chosen to provoke a highly religious society. You can decide that for yourself.

Can’t we ever have the party without the politics? Really… lets just move it to Northampton.

Here’s a snippet from a 2005 World Pride brochure:

The struggle for acceptance and pride is particularly pointed in Jerusalem, a city that is home to three of the world’s great religions. The greatest traditions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism affirm the dignity of all human beings and our creation in the divine image. Yet these same faiths have often been sources of hostility and intolerance for LGBT people…
WorldPride 2005 will bring thousands of us to Jerusalem to confront preconception with reality, prejudice with an opportunity for understanding, in a way that will capture the attention of the world. Together we will proclaim that in this ancient religious city – and in this region – we, too, belong.

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