Conspiracy theories are not my thing but Reverend Wright has brought light to an issue that needs attention. If HIV and AIDS are not man made viruses then what is wrong with opening up an investigation into this matter. When you stop questioning things and learning then you really stop living. I am not saying to be paranoid but there are just so many unanswered questions in this debate.

Russia, China, the United States are just a few of the nations that have to constantly do research on war programs for protection. The pentagon has admitted many programs that use biological warfare after sometime. Some may even be needed to protect the U.S. in case some country decides to do the same. But this could just possibly be a case of an experiment gone wrong. It could also be many other factors.

I normally always question things such as who owns the drink sites that tell you that drinking corn syrup really is not that bad for you? hmm maybe Coca-Cola. It was on the main page of one day advertising and at the time it did not have anything that resembled Coke on the site until I researched it. It now has a semi-Coke looking label. A web page owned and created by Coke called the Beverage Institute for Health and Wellness.

My point is that questions need to be asked sometimes.

I do not really see any gay blogs talking about this issue that Rev. Wright brings up. Sometimes it seems that the GLBT overall is scared to speak up about HIV/AIDS and just submit to "tests" every time they are told with no questions asked. With full trust of everyone involved for some reason even though we are the most discriminated group known to mankind.

Above is Hillary making a good point from a YouTube video. Rev. Wright may be on the racist side of things but he may have a point that needs to be looked into further. Not just blacks but gays and blacks could have been the target.

There are sites online such as that point out some interesting details that never make it to the big media:

But an adviser to WHO who disclosed the problem, told The Times ‘I thought it was just a coincidence until we studied the latest findings about the reactions which can be caused by Vaccinia. Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation to the explosion of AIDS." the article stated, adding, "The greatest spread of HIV infection coincides with the most intense immunization programme… The article said about 14,000 Haitians who were involved in the vaccination program then brought the disease home to the Caribbean.

The literature on this site brings up thoughts that Smallpox, Hepatitis B, and Syphilis "vaccines" or experiments or tests could all be part of the main problem. I am not a doctor I just found it really interesting. I would like to know what the people over at have to say about it.

Of course we have all heard about the Tuskegee experiment where black patients who were never told they had Syphilis all eventually died untreated. This went on for forty years with African-Americans in the medical community not saying a word.

Not saying I agree with all of this… Just saying some things need to be evaluated.