There are always two sides.

Citizen’s for Parents Rights
has got some amusing Homosexual Behavioral Fact Sheets.

The “Gay” nineties have come and gone leaving a whirlwind of laws and social change that will affect America for decades to come.

As the dust settles and we look into the future, one thing is for sure; Homosexuals will never stop pushing their agenda for sexual anarchy and pro-family groups must develop the strength to defeat the homosexual agenda while saving the individual.

Romans 1: 18-32 makes it clear what will happen if we ignore this powerful sin. These fact sheets are being compiled and added to continuously to debunk the many myths put forth by homosexual activists and homosexualists (people who believe that homosexuality is good and normal, “gay” or straight, plus push the homosexual agenda).

We have researched over 500 hundred documents from the present to over the last twenty, thirty years and beyond to show a consistent level of behavior that is self destructive. Over 95% of all reference materials comes from mainstream medical journals, newspapers, web sites, homosexual publications, government agencies, textbooks and seminars attended by CPR.

The evidence is clear and concise. Please feel free to use all or any portion of these facts to support your argument against the normalization of homosexuality.


And if you’re looking for… well… the right side, click over to The Holowatch Blog for a great post.

I’ve decided I’m just going to debunk every anti-gay marriage (or, for that matter, anti-gay) myth that there is.

In dealing with the Bible, there are other sources which have done all the hard work for me. But I deal in facts, not biblical interpretations of whether Leviticus had a hard-on for making sure you don’t.

So, let’s run down the line:

1. “Gay marriage hurts straight marriage.”

How? On average, about 41% of marriages end in divorce, and it hasn’t been rising. The most prominent era for divorces ended awhile ago, having leveled off to a stable level. If gay rights groups, gay talk, gay gay gay, and all that hasn’t reduced number or frequency of either marriage or divorce (such as in other countries where gay marriage or civil partnerships has been allowed), I don’t see how gay marriage will suddenly change things.


What else ya got for me? This:

*Assault Prompts Rally Against Hate
*ASI cuts program that helps gays and lesbians
*Parents file suit to stop sex-ed
*Fiji’s Top Lawman Accused Of Bias In Gay Sex Case
*Homosexuality Issue Tears Anglican Communion as UK Bishop is Rejected
*State Democrats to endorse gay marriage in platform
*Atlanta Cops Under Investigation Over Gay Slurs
*Anti-gay laws are inhumane
*Play to tackle anti-gay reggae music
*Gay Couples Can’t File Joint Returns in D.C.
*Transgender Man Accuses Jailer Of Sexual Assault
*Signorile Views: Queer and (Self) Loathing in Massachusetts
*Poll shows increased support for equal marriage
*Leading the way for gay rights in Europe