Breaking from Perez Hilton’s celebrity site today are some highly steamy photos of Dustin Lance Black who were sold to the media.  It is sad that you cannot make a home video with your partner without having to worry about the media getting a hold of it and everyone starring at your private parts online.  But move over the Portland Mayor and his teenage boytoy Beau Breedlove – we now have a new scandal (that shouldn’t be a scandal).   Not that the Mayor of Portland dating a 18yr old adult should have been either.

I see if this “explodes” into something big it will be because people are jealous that the Oscar winning Milk writer is so hot in this video.  Hotter than most of the stars that are really supposed to be doing these types of videos.  I admit i will be the first to buy this video!

Of course we all know Dustin lance is gay but did we know he had sex too?  OMG really? haha.  People goto the bathroom as well.  This whole thing could end up being as silly as Adam Lambert coming out as Gay.   I just wonder how these things get “leaked” out or does Dustin Lance want us to know how big his pee pee is… Photo courtesy of Perez

We are refusing to post any images or videos that were seen on the Perez Hilton site but it was hot to see.  We are a big fan of Dustin Lance Black and hope he continues to do well in his career.