The News Agency ZENIT spoke to Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a psychiatrist, author and contributor to the Catholic Medical Association’s document “Homosexuality and Hope,” about the new Vatican document on priesthood and homosexual tendencies.

Below is from the first part of a 2-part interview (Part 2 to appear at ZENIT on Tuesday) with Dr. Fitzgibbons.

Q: How would you distinguish between someone with same-sex attractions and someone with deep-seated homosexual tendencies?

Fitzgibbons: Those with deep-seated homosexual tendencies identify themselves as homosexual persons and are usually unwilling to examine their emotional conflicts that caused this tendency. Strong physical attraction is present to other men’s bodies and to the masculinity of others due to profound weakness in male confidence.

These individuals in the priesthood have a significant affective immaturity with excessive anger and jealousy toward males who are not homosexual, insecurity that leads them to avoid close friendships with such males and an inordinate need for attention.

Read all of “The Psychology Behind Homosexual Tendencies (Part 1)” here.