Viviane’s Sex Carnival is the newest addition to Daily Dose of Queer’s blogroll and the Carnival of Bent Attractions upcoming hosts list.

I visited Viviane’s Blogger profile a few days ago and followed a link to NYC Perverts’ Saloon, “a place for a group of NYC sex bloggers to announce news, events, new sites, etc.” Viviane blogs at NYC Perverts’ Saloon with nine other contributors; among them, Audacia Ray, who recently announced her first book, Naked on the Internet:

So the book is called Naked on the Internet, and it will be published in the early summer of 2007 by Seal Press. It’s about female sexuality and the internet and will be cover the wide range of ways that women experience and explore their sexualities online: camming, chatting and making websites; dating, hooking up and forming friendships; sex blogging; watching, modeling for and producing porn; sex worker advertising and networking; as wives and girlfriends of partners who indulge in sexual activities online; sexual health and online support communities; and technology that enables physical sexual encounters.

Audacia Ray is looking for interviewees for her book:

For each topic, I plan to interview a variety of women who have experienced the internet with respects to the topics of the chapters.

And this is where you, my dear readers, come in. If you’re a lady and use the internet for any of the purposes I’ve listed above or any other sexy uses that I haven’t listed, and you wouldn’t mind being interviewed (by email, IM, phone, or Skype), send me an email and tell me a little bit about your personal history of sexy internetting (dude, its totally a word), and then we’ll take it from there.

If you’re interested in being interviewed, email Audacia at

You can find Maria on MySpace here. Pick up Queer Shorts, her new anthology, at