Bill O’Reilly is THE biggest hypocrite on the planet. He wants to take away our privacy in some ways then when it comes down to protecting his sheltered and blinded people he wants to act like they are the innocent ones. For some unknown reason I was watching his show on Fox News and noticed some lady from who almost didn’t add anything to the discussion but accusing Google of doing wrong in this. They actually accused Google of being the bad guy of letting people map out who donated from what neighborhood to fund Proposition 8. How is this any different than any other map online to find out what your neighbors are doing.

The privacy thing online I will agree has gone too far. We should not be able to see what our neighbors are doing or have done. Even if they did something horrible they should still have a chance to be forgiven and not treated like the scarlet letter. This is certainly not Google’s fault this is happening. It is the fault of the jerks such as Bill O’Reilly who want all the doings of people be stated all over the place. They started this and now they don’t want to be the ones in the spotlight. They do not want their houses appearing as the jerk or pinhead or bad guy or soul less person. is where you can find the proposition 8 supports and see if they live in your neighborhood. This is a fantastic idea given that EVERYTHING and anything else can be detected online these days. I guarantee these same pinheads that want to do away with everyone’s privacy will start wishing they had some privacy of their own. This is also a good idea because its good to be able to see what neighbor donated to Prop 8 and is fake to your face. Talk about “coming out” of the closet.

Bill O’Reilly discussed this on his show as if it would be used as a violent weapon. This is used not for violence but to find out who near them they know are against what they believe and find out who they can trust in their neighborhood. It will show people to think twice before they donate towards hate. Eightmaps showed great initiative in doing this and I applaud them.

After all would you rather live in a neighborhood where Sally Kerns lives or one of these freaky prop 8 supporters. Those people looked scary from the videos.. I mean how long since they have been laid or are they also coming up for the Child Molestation on the map pins as well? That would be like living on Freddy Kruger lane.

Who owns 8 maps?  This site is privately listed just like most of the sites on the internet so the hag from saying that the owners of the site are hiding out and are cowards has no idea what she’s talking about.  Although, I do think there needs to be more regulation on private domain names because I have had many people copy my site and end up having to try to find the owners for stealing my content. is not even listed in his name Bill O’Reilly.  Hey, if the owner of 8 maps wants to contact me then please do so because I would love to advertise on your site and support it!