The last few years have seen some big name combinations and rollouts of HIV drugs but we are seeing a slowdown in the industry that looks like a well gone dry.  An article written by claims that we are in a big surprise ahead when it comes to any promising drugs in the future.

As for those drugs in human studies, the closest to approval is rilpivarine (TMC-278), an NNRTI for first line treatment being studied against Sustiva. Vicriviroc, Schering’s CCR5 drug, continues to flounder but is still viable. Bevirimat, a maturation inhibitor from Panacos, has been hamstrung by formulation problems. Other drugs we are following are Pharmasset’s racivir, and Avexa’s apricitabine.

The article points to the fact that we need more treatment activists who can work with scientists, companies, and regulators.  This will call more action to more HIV drugs being in the pipeline and hopefully be approved if they are safe.

We need more programs in colleges and more gay community focused on science and getting more involved with the research.  I think alot more can be done to further the HIV research programs and focus on a cure.  As a community effort more money could be given to research and science and/or the treatment activists.  Their could be a crisis ahead if we stop being persistant and pushing for a better treatment or a cure.