Bilerico (which is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs) reports that Tony Dungy, head coach of the Super Bowl bound Indianapolis Colts, will be the guest of honor at the Indiana Family Institute‘s special event dinner happening in March.

    Under the guise of protecting traditional family values, [the Indiana Family Institute] helps spread misinformation that fosters bigitory toward our community and our own families.
    …Tony’s prominent appearance before this group, as a representative of a major sports institution in Indianapolis, sends a chilling message.

From the Indiana Family Institute’s policy statement:

    Throughout its 16 year history, the Indiana Family Institute has sought to bring Biblical values and Biblical ethics to the public policy making process in Indiana. To this end, we have opposed all efforts to create or advance special civil or legal rights for homosexuals. During Governor Daniels’ campaign and then in the first months of his Administration, we made our opposition to his desire to have an explicit, non-discrimination policy for one group of citizens – homosexuals – quite clear.