Like Rosie and the “boorish, ugly dickhead.”

From “O’Donnell vs. Oh! Donald”:

“What’s most painful about the whole Rosie and Donald spat is that it all started by Rosie doing a comedic imitation of Donald and his hair, which, had it been done by Jay Leno or any other less female or lesbian comic, probably wouldn’t have ruffled Donald’s feathers,” said Frank Griggs, editor of the OMG blog.

But Trump’s comments about Rosie disturbed Griggs and lesbian blogger Maria Angeline more for what they perceive to be misogyny than homophobia.

“I don’t know if I’d say that Donald’s comments about Rosie’s appearance are homophobic. Rosie doesn’t look like a supermodel, and perhaps that’s what Donald feels women should strive to look like. Donald obviously thinks his opinion of Rosie’s appearance matters,” said Angeline, who blogs at Daily Dose of Queer.

I’m still gonna watch The Apprentice. I’m an addict. I can’t help it.