Does that speak to you the way it did to me when I read it in this post at Lust Laureate?

This is why I run random Google blog searches using the search term “queer femmes.”

Part of the post:

And then there is the complicated issue of Sexuality.

Some people call it Sexual Orientation. Some people’s labels are limited to the narrow categories of Gay and Straight. Others may expand to include Bisexual and yet others may include the seeming catch-all Queer.

Yet, what single-word label would you give to someone who identifies as Femme* and girl, but not necessarily as Woman? To that same person who sleeps with masculine-presenting people who were labeled female at birth who may identify themselves as FTM, butches or fags or metrosexuals or genderqueers or None/All of the Above, and who occasionally romps with girly girls such as herself, and who even more occasionally sleeps with men with penises that came attached as babies for sport?

Did you get all that?

Queer, as in Not-Straight, seems to mostly encompass that, and it’s what I use to describe myself, but how does one explain something like that to an unsuspecting acquaintance without getting into TMI-land? And how do you explain such things to the medical health professional who asks you if you’re sexually active, and if so, with whom? What about to well-meaning co-workers who ask if you’re dating anyone? And to your parents?

read the rest